Edit Panels

Edit Page Errors

To assist you in completing Edit panels, the system warns you when an "Edit" page contains errors.

The system does not determine the correctness of the data you entered, but alerts you to errors such as required fields that have been left blank, a zero quantity when ordering an item, invalid date formats, or an entry that does not match any of the expected entries for that field.

To correct an error:

The system displays a warning.  Click OK.

The the specific error appears in a Messages section at the bottom of the page.
- Click the error message.

Note: Some errors are not clickable, but are instructional. Complete the instructions and continue.
More than one error message can be displayed at once.

When you click the error message at the bottom of the panel, the message is highlighted, and the field with the problem is also highlighted. - Correct the entry and go to the next error message or click Submit if there are no more error messages.



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