Releasing Multiple Requisitions with Quick Release Version 12/16/2022 18:53:43


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Quick Release of Approved Requisitions streamlines the steps involved in releasing requisitions and building pick lists. The feature is designed for sites that have multiple requisitions to be released and picked in the same time frame. The feature eliminates the need to release each requisition and build pick lists one-by-one.


The Quick Release feature is governed by user security. You need Administrator privileges in your user profile to adjust the security settings.

Under Work in Administration, do the following to make the feature accessible:

The user's data profile also controls the departments, organizations, and asset locations for which the user can create Quick Requisitions.

Viewing Quick Release Jobs

A menu selection in the Materials Warehousing contents displays a list of all Quick Release jobs that you have created, along with the status of each. Initially, of course, the list will have no data -- until you start using the feature -- but the section (below) illustrates the list and explains how to use it.

To view Quick Releases

From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Quick Release of Approved Requisitions.
The list of Quick Release of Approved Requisitions (batch jobs) appears (Figure 1). (The list contains No Data if you have not created any Quick Releases.)

Figure 1 - Quick Release Jobs List

You can edit Quick Release jobs whose status is Ready. Once a job is In Progress or Complete, it cannot be edited, but you can inquire on the job. (Click the inquiry icon i or Menu > Inquiry.)

A history of pick lists for each Quick Release job is available by selecting Menu > View Print History. The Menu next to a Quick Release job also provides access to System Notes for the job. You can also use the menu to Copy a Quick Release job, and to Delete jobs from the list that are not In Progress.

View Messages and System Notes

If a Quick Release job cannot run, or runs, but generates errors, the system inserts a message on the list next to the job.
For example, you will receive a message if requisitions for the Quick Release have problems -- their items are on hold for a physical inventory, for instance. In this case, the requisitions cannot be released, and remain approved.

You can also access System Notes for each Quick Release job, which are helpful in reviewing requisitions that were released and the Pick List Numbers generated.

Figure 2 - System Notes for a Quick Release Job

Notice in Figure 2 that the Quick Release processed requisitions for Department 6500, Department 6600, and Department 6610. Two of the requisitions were released (red arrows) and pick lists created. One requisition (blue arrow) was backordered.

To create a Quick Release job

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Quick Release of Approved Requisitions.
    The list of Quick Release batch jobs appears (Figure 1) or No Data.
  2. Click New.
    The Quick Release Selection panel appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Quick Release of Approved Requisitions Selection Panel

  1. On the panel, enter characteristics of approved requisitions that you wish to include in the Quick Release job:

Using the Fields on the Tabs

The fields that you specify on the tabs are logically "ANDed" from tab to tab. This means that the Quick Release process looks for requisitions that match criteria on all of the tabs.

Fields that you specify within the Pick Cycle and Reason Code tabs are " ORed." For example, suppose you have Pick Cycles MWF and TTH, and you specify both of them. the system will select requisitions that match either MWF or TTH.

Here is a scenario.

- On the From and To Selections tab, you enter the range of departments: from 3100 to 3300.

- On the Reason Code tab, you select the Reason Codes "OUT" and "SPEC."

The Quick Release process looks for requisitions for departments 3100, 3200, and 3300 that also contain either the OUT Reason Code or the SPEC Reason Code.

  1. When you finish entering criteria, click Submit.
    The system returns to the Quick Release jobs list, and displays the new Quick Release job with its status.
    You may see messages that the job is pending, or running. After the job has run, its status is Complete, and you can print the pick list for the requisitions from Reports > My Archived Reports. You can also print pick list s and confirm picks from the Warehousing > Pick List panel. (See the subsequent discussion on pick lists.)

When a Quick Release job is complete, the system writes a system note that you can view from the Menu.

Processing Order for Quick Release Items

The system looks for requisitions by organization and department that match the selection parameters and have the supplying asset location listed in Current Settings. The system then releases all the selected requisitions that have an Approved Status. Next, using the selection parameters, for each department, the system looks for approved requisitions supplied by other asset locations. If any exist, they are released.

The Quick Release feature processes requisitions in the following order:

By department, in department Priority sequence,.

Note: For more information on the Priority field, see The Priority field.

View and Print Pick Lists for Quick Release Batch Jobs

As each requisition for a department is released, its item lines are added to a pick list containing released requisitions for that department.

If a released requisition contains items supplied from an asset location that is different from the asset location in the user's Current Settings, a pick list for the items in the supplying asset location is not automatically generated and will need to be created manually.

Pick lists for Quick Release jobs are in .pdf format.

To view and print the entire Quick Release Pick List from My Archived Reports:

  1. On the Materials Management main Contents, select Reports > My Archived Reports.
    The list of reports that you have run appears. Quick Release pick lists have the report name "Pick and Delivery Document."
  2. Click View Report to view the pick list. The pick list opens in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  3. Select File > Print to print the pick list.

To view and print a pick list for each department from the Pick Lists panel:

  1. From the main Materials Contents, click Warehousing > Pick List. Current pick lists appear.
  2. Locate the pick list of interest. (System Notes for the Quick Release job provide Pick List Numbers.)
  3. Select Menu > Print Pick/Delivery Document.
    A .pdf version of the pick list appears in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  4. Select File > Print to print the pick list.

To view and print pick lists from the Quick Release list:

  1. From the Quick Release list, select View Print History.
    The Reports Table appears with "Pick and Delivery Document" in the Report Name column.
  2. Select View Report to print the pick list.
    Adobe Acrobat Reader displays the pick list.
  3. Select File > Print to print the pick list.