Contract Eligibility - Details Version


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Contract eligibility is a feature for local contracts in Sourcing and Contract Management (SCM) at sites set up for integrated use of SCM and Supply Chain Advisor (SCA).

Eligibility is defined in terms of facilities. A facility references a part (or all) of a medical center's organizations.

Eligibility opens a local contract to sharing among specified organizational units -- facilities -- in a medical center, and prevents others from using, or even viewing the contract.

This topic explains facilities and outlines how to set up local contract eligibility in SCM. (Eligibility for Premier-managed contracts is handled in SCA.)



Facilities and Facility Groups

Premier members who use SCA are familiar with the idea of a facility.

For non-Premier users: A facility may be an entire organization or multiple organizations; etc. A large healthcare system with several hospitals may treat each hospital as a facility. Facilities are identified at implementation by Premier Consultants in a way that makes sense for the medical system's organization, and for the way it uses contracts.

Facility Groups: Typically, facilities are grouped. For example, you may have a facility group that includes auxiliary units, each of which is a facility in its own right. These might include: an ambulatory care center, a day surgery center, and an imaging center. You may wish to restrict eligibility for some contracts to these facilities only, so you group the facilities together, give the group a label, and assign the facility group to the relevant contracts. Only the organizations and departments represented in the facility group are eligible to use the contract.

Core Facility Group

When SCM/SCA integration is implemented at a site, the Premier consultants set up a core facility group. A core facility group is the collection of facilities most commonly eligible for local contracts. Many medical centers will want all their organizational units included in a core facility group. Others will wish to assign eligibility to facility groups that subset their organizational units.

An implementation flag determines whether contract eligibility is always assigned to the Core Facility Group. When the flag is set, the Core Facility Group is the default for local contracts. You can accept a local contract without further action if you are happy with the default.

Alternately, when you accept a local contract, you can assign a different facility group to the contract. You can also create new facility groups for assignment to contracts. This option is outlined below.

For tiers on a local contract, you can assign a facility group (other than the core group) to tiers that you wish to accept. In this case, the auto-accept option must be turned off. Accept the contract after you select the eligible facilities.

Note: When you assign different eligibility on a local contract to each different tier, you must price activate the contract in SCA. You cannot use the default auto-price activation feature. After Release 7.1, see Integrated SCM/SCA Contract Management.

Eligibility and the PremierConnect® Catalog

Eligibility also controls access to contract and product data in the PremierConnect® Catalog. The Catalog defaults to All Facilities data. The default means "all facilities that your work unit is eligible for, and that you are authorized to see." If you wish, you can specify particular facilities (rather than all), via a facility selector on the Catalog page.

Example: Contract Eligibility with Multiple SCM Installations

A medical system has multiple copies of SCM installed at different sites. Local contracts accessed on one SCM installation can be made available to other SCM installations through the eligibility feature. To do so, include the facilities from the other SCM installations in the relevant contracts for the one installation.

Changing the Eligibility Assignment from the Default

Assigning a facility group to a local contract lets users in the facilities view the contract, and use its prices in purchases. You can change the facility group assignment from the default (Core Facility Group) when accepting a local contract. You can also change the assignment later.

Changing a local contract from accepted to unaccepted does not affect the eligibility setting.


To change the facility group assignment for a local contract, the user must have the "Contracts" role object set minimally to Modify.

To change the eligibility for a local contract in SCM,

  1. From the SCM main Contents, select Supply Contracts > Contracts > Contract Workbench.
    - Select the Contracts tab, and use the filters on the left of the Contracts list to locate the contract of interest.
    - Click the contract number to open the contract. The "Work with Contract" page appears.
  2. On the "Work with Contract" page, select the Assign Eligibility tab.
    The Assign Eligibility panel appears.
    Note: For Premier managed contracts, the panel is not available. (Eligibility for Premier managed contracts is assigned in SCA.)
    Only local contracts can have eligibility assigned in SCM.
  3. Click the down arrow next to Select Facility Group.
    A list of available facility groups appears (Figure 1).
  4. Select a group.

Figure 1 - The Assign Eligibility Panel

  1. Click Assign Eligibility (upper right. Figure 1, red arrow).
    The "Work with Contract" page refreshes. If the contract has not been accepted, the Accept Contract panel opens.
    Note: The Assign Eligibility tab is grayed out for Premier-managed contracts. You cannot assign eligibility in SCM to contracts managed in SCA.

If you accept the contract, and you decide later that you need to assign eligibility differently, you can go back to the Assign Eligibility panel and do so. The contract will still be accepted.

On the Assign Eligibility panel, two other actions are available (Figure 1):

Create Facility Group - Click this link to open the PremierConnect Facility application. From the Facility application, you can create a new facility group. After you create the new facility group, the Facility application returns to the SCM Assign Eligibility panel.
- Click Refresh and the new facility group is available from the drop list. You can select it for the contract.

View Facility Group - This link opens the PremierConnect Facility application so that you can display the facilities belonging to the group that you selected, or to any facility group.

Removed or Added Facilities