Using Dashboards Version


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Dashboards are collections of gauges -- such as spend graphs and tables -- that you wish to locate together in a convenient place for easy monitoring. This section describes how to create and access dashboards for reviewing and analyzing contract spend, savings, manufacturer market share, incentives, and progress on contracting projects.

Access to the Dashboard Feature

Customers have the option of enabling/disabling the Dashboards feature as part of their SCM package. This feature is enabled by default.

When the Dashboards feature is enabled, the ability to add gauges to a dashboard is available. The Dashboards menu element appears on the SCM main Contents, and users can work with it.

When this feature is not enabled, users cannot work with dashboards. The Add to Dashboard link does not appear for gauges, and the SCM main menu does not provide a Dashboards element.

Contact the Help Desk or your Premier Consultant to enable or disable this feature.


To work with a feature in the Sourcing and Contract Management table of contents, the appropriate security role object for the feature must be set to View, minimally. The “Dashboard" role object controls access to the features My Dashboard and Add to Dashboard. Users must have a minimum security level of View to create and access a dashboard (Figure 1). If security is set to None, the the user cannot work with the dashboard feature. When a user does not have the appropriate access level, the dashboard links are disabled (gray in color with a tool tip).

Figure 1 - The "APLocRestrict" Role Object for Maintaining Restricted AP Locations

For details on working with roles, see Work with User Roles.

How to Access Dashboards and the Dashboard Feature

From the main Contents, on either the Supplies or Services tab, click Dashboards.
A list of dashboards and a link to the Work with Dashboards feature appears (Figure 2).

Note: The user's "Dashboard" security role object must be set minimally to View. If security is set to None, Dashboard does not appear in the table of contents for the user.

Figure 2 - Accessing a Dashboard

Figure 3 is an example of a dashboard.

Figure 3 - An Example of a Dashboard

The Dashboards feature lets you copy pertinent gauges to a central location so that you can track changes efficiently. You can create multiple dashboards, and include the same, or different gauges on each. The gauges that you insert on a dashboard are updated dynamically. For example, a graph that displays spend data is updated as spend dollars increase.

Display Options

For gauges on a dashboard, and for the same gauges in various parts of the application (such as in supply contracts Projects), you have the option of displaying information in several forms: as a table, graph, or Excel spreadsheet.

Figure 4 - On Contract Spend and Items Gauge
Graph Version

Figure 5 - On Contract Spend and Items Gauge
Table Version

Note: Not all three display options -- table, graph, Excel spreadsheet -- exist for every gauge.

Create Your First Dashboard

Dashboards are accessible from the My Dashboards link on the page menu (Figure 2).

To create your first dashboard,

  1. On the main Contents for either Supplies or Services, click Dashboards > My Dashboard.

The first time that you click Dashboards > My Dashboard, the default dashboard My Dashboard appears. The Dashboard Edit panel contains blank spaces for you to insert gauges (Figure 6). The dashboard labeled My Dashboard will be your primary dashboard (you can create others).

Next, you want to add gauges to the dashboard.

  1. Locate the space on the dashboard where you want a gauge to appear.
    (The dashboard has eight gauge locations (although Figure 6 only displays six).
  2. Click Add Gauge (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Adding a Gauge to a New Dashboard

A list of gauges appears. Figure 7 displays part of the list.


Figure 7 - List of Gauges for Selection

  1. Mouse over the gauge that you wish to add.

When you mouse over a selection circle, a tool tip appears that identifies the gauge either as a "Standard Gauge" or a "Custom Gauge."
Note: Some gauges are only available for supply item spend; such as project gauges.

  1. Click in the circle (Figure 8) to select the gauge.

Figure 8 - Selecting a Gauge to Display on a Dashboard

For some gauges, such as Mfr Market Share (Figure 8), a selection list for the type of items or spend appears (Figure 9A). You may need to specify other parameters as well for some gauges; for example, a range of months for which the system should display data.

Figure 9A - Selecting the Type of Items for a Gauge

Figure 9B - From/To Options for the User Specified Timeframe on a Gauge Configuration

  1. Click Save. (Or, you can click Cancel if you decide that you don't want to display the gauge.)
    The Dashboard Edit panel appears. The name of the selected gauge is in the location that you identified (Figure 10).

Figure 10 - A Gauge Added to the Dashboard Edit Panel

In the location for the new gauge, you can...

At the top of the panel, Cancel Edit closes the Dashboard feature.

  1. Click Cancel Edit to close the dashboard, or click the X in the upper right of the panel.
    The next time you open the dashboard, the gauge that you added will be displayed.

A Detailed Example: Using the Spend Summary Gauge

This example explains how to select options for the Spend Summary gauge and add it to a dashboard.
From the main Contents, click Dashboards (Figure 2).

A list of dashboards that you have created appears.
(If you have not yet created any dashboards, see "Create Your First Dashboard."

  1. Click the dashboard to which you will add the gauge.
    The Dashboard panel appears.
  2. On the panel, under the dashboard name, click Edit (Figure 11).

Figure 11 - Editing a Dashboard

The Dashboard Edit panel appears.

  1. Locate the space on the dashboard where you want a gauge to appear.
  2. Click Add Gauge (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Adding a Gauge to a Dashboard

A list of gauges appears.

  1. Select Spend Summary from the list (Figure 13).

Figure 13 - Selecting the Spend Summary Gauge

A panel appears with the Spend Summary options (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Options for the Spend Summary Graph

  1. Select options as you wish, and click Submit.
    Below is a list of the options. Table 1 displays examples of different selected options, and the results for each.

Override Title - You can delete the title in gray text and enter another title for the gauge, if you wish.

Default View - Select either a graph or a table view of the spend summary data. (Graph is the default.)

Spend Type: You can select multiple types of spend if you wish to view comparisons.
Spend Type: File vs. Non-File, On vs. Off Contract - Displays file, non-file, on-contract and off-contract spend comparatively for the time period.
Spend Type: File vs. Non-File - Displays file and non-file spend comparatively for the time period.
Spend Type: Total Spend - Displays all spend for the time frame, in comparison to other types of spend.
Include On Contract Totals: For graphs, this option displays a histogram (line graph) of totals for on-contract items. The line graph appears on top of the bar graphs for Spend Type.
(See examples in the table.) For tables, this option displays a column for on-contract totals.
     Include Off Contract Totals: For graphs, this option displays a histogram (line graph) of totals for off-contract items. The line graph appears on top of the bar graphs for Spend Type.
(See examples in the table.) For tables, this option displays a column for off-contract totals.
Month Range: Select a time frame for the spend.
For the Month Range, if you select Prior Months of Spend, click the down arrow to choose a number of months. Spend is displayed on gauges for full months. Alternately, you can select User Specified, which opens the From and To fields: select a From month/year and a To month/year

Table 1 - Examples of Spend Summary Gauge Option Settings and Results

Summary Gauge Option Settings

Sample Results



  1. Click Save.
    The options are enabled and the Dashboard Edit panel appears.
    Information about the gauge appears in the gauge space.
    - To preview the gauge, from the Dashboard Edit panel, click Preview in the gauge space. You can close the preview, and edit the gauge to change options until you get the desired results.

Create Additional Dashboards

Once you have created your first dashboard, you may wish to create others to segregate your gauges in some way. You can easily create and access multiple dashboards, and add gauges.

To create an additional dashboard,

  1. From the main Contents, click Dashboards.
  2. Click Work with Dashboards (Figure 15).

Figure 15 - Accessing the Work with Dashboards Panel from the Main Menu

Alternately, if you are working within an existing dashboard, and wish to create another, click Work with Dashboards (Figure 16).

Figure 16 - Accessing the Work with Dashboards Panel from within an Existing Dashboard

The "Work with Dashboards" page appears with two panels (Figure 17).

Figure 17 - Panels on the "Work with Dashboards" Page

  1. Click Create Dashboard.
    The Create Dashboard panel appears (Figure 18)

Figure 18 - Entering a Title and Description for a New Dashboard

  1. Enter a Title and a Description for the dashboard.
  2. Click Save.
  3. The Dashboard Edit panel appears for you to add gauges. Follow the instructions in the previous section to add gauges and view the new dashboard.

Edit a Dashboard Title/Delete a Dashboard

You can change the title or description of dashboards that you have created, and you can delete any dashboard.

  1. From the main Contents, click Dashboards.
  2. Click Work with Dashboards (Figure 16).
  3. Mouse over the dashboard name (Figure 19). Icons appear to the left.

Figure 19 - Edit/Delete a Dashboard

Add a Custom Gauge to a Dashboard

When a project reaches the stage in which contracts have been awarded and conversion rates are being tracked, you can add the conversion gauges to dashboards.

For example, in Figure 20, a project has a contract activation date established for an awarded contract. The Conversion gauges on the project Status panel display how much of each subsequent month's spend occurs on the new contract. You can add one or more gauges to a dashboard so that you do not need to open the project whenever you wish to view conversion rates.

Note: If the Dashboard feature is not enabled for your site, the link Add to Dashboard does not appear on any SCM gauge.

Figure 20 - The Project Status Panel: Adding a Gauge to a Dashboard

To add a gauge from a project to a dashboard,

  1. Open the Project.
  2. Click the Project Status tab. The Analysis panel appears.
  3. Locate the gauge of interest.
  4. On the bottom right of the gauge, click Add to Dashboard (Figure 20).
    A panel opens with a selection of dashboards (Figure 21).

Figure 21 - Selecting a Dashboard for a Custom Gauge

  1. Click Select next to the dashboard that will contain the gauge.
    The Add Dashboard panel appears.
    The panel displays locations for gauges (Figure 22).

Figure 22 - Selecting a Location for a Gauge on a Dashboard

  1. Click an "Add" location.
    A panel appears with an Optional Name field (Figure 23). Enter a name for the gauge, if desired.

Figure 23 - Optional Name Panel: Saving a Custom Gauge

  1. Click Save.

The next time you open the dashboard to which you added the gauge, the gauge appears.

Edit Custom Gauge Name/Delete Custom Gauge

Once you have added a custom gauge to a dashboard, you can change the name of the gauge if you wish.

To edit the name of a custom gauge,

  1. From the Contents & Analysis main Contents, select Dashboards.
  2. Click Work with Dashboards.
    The "Work with Dashboards" page appears (Figure 17).
    The top panel -- Dashboards -- lists your dashboards.
    The bottom panel -- Custom Gauges -- lists your custom gauges (Figure 24).

Figure 24 - Selecting a Custom Gauge to Edit

  1. Mouse over the gauge of interest. Icons appear.
  2. Click the edit icon .
    An edit panel appears.
  3. Change the Optional Name as desired.
  4. Click Save.

To delete a custom gauge,

  1. Follow the above instructions, except, click the delete icon , instead of the edit icon .
    A panel appears for you to confirm the deletion.
  2. Click Delete.